West Peformance was originally established in Los Angeles in 1996 with the aim of providing excellence in physical therapy and health care for athletes and dancers. Since then the practice has experienced a rapid growth in the field of sports medicine and applied bioenergetics and with further development it has evolved into a multidisciplinary facility with the inclusion of several methodologies and techniques all geared toward the finest work of enhancement of the psychophysical abilities of the professional performer.

WP currently offers a comprehensive platform of services that brings together physical and sports medicine with modern osteopathy and with the most advanced methodologies of anthroposophic bioenergetics and strategic/biodynamic coaching. Its mission is the upgrading of the skills related to the sphere of movement in all aspects of somatic-psychic pertinence at all levels of relevance. The methodology is based on the research and application of the principles that bind the physical action to the energetic balance and the latter to the body awareness and to an evolutionary decoding of the environmental stimula.

Our staff provides sports medicine and exercise physiology services for local, regional and national sporting teams and performing arts companies, and operates a satellite health care department at the Istituto Nazionale di Biodinamica Logosofica Integrata in Rome.